I sometimes like to think of a government, or any kind of group of people, as the basics of a vehicle.
Sometimes it'll be smooth sailing, until a fuel pump goes out, then you're stranded. Sometimes you could be cruising mean way too fast, and your brakes go out, then what can you do? That correlates to the old saying the "The Brightest Flame Burns Out First".
But sometimes, you have an engine that's in such bad shape it's not running on all it's cylinders, it's smoking and burning oil, and not shifting right. Thats what happens when you've left your car without the proper maintenance for far too long. Any leadership can become like that, if you let powerful people run rampant, powerful people will eventually slowly become corrupt, whether it be actual corruption, mental illness, or anything.
Sure you can find a mechanic to work on your leadership, but thats going to cost you, and it's going to cost you a LOT more than if you rolled up your sleeves and did the work yourself.
Basically, if you aren't willing to try and change your world for the better, don't complain that it's not perfect.
When I was younger I use to want to make the world a better place also.
Now that I'm older, I'm lazy and leave it all up to others to fix it.
That's understandable. When a person is presented with such a daunting task, it's easy to lose your focus. Not everyone is expected to be a hero, but if more people tried to be "better" than the common, then things would change given the time needed.
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